Proposal Mgt rec Vote
Management proposals
1a Elect Director Cathleen Benko For For
1b Elect Director John Rogers, Jr. For For
1c Elect Director Robert Swan For For
2 Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive Officers' Compensation Vote rationale: The board is responsible for attracting the right CEO and setting appropriate remuneration. A substantial proportion of annual remuneration should be provided as shares that are locked in for five to ten years, regardless of resignation or retirement. The board should provide transparency on total remuneration to avoid unacceptable outcomes. The board should ensure that all benefits have a clear business rationale. Pensionable income should constitute a minor part of total remuneration. Global Voting Guidelines CEO remuneration For Against
3 Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Auditors For For
Shareholder proposals
4 Report on Median Gender/Racial Pay Gaps Vote rationale: The board should account for material sustainability risks facing the company, and the broader environmental and social consequences of its operations and products. Sustainability disclosures should be aligned with applicable global reporting standards and frameworks to support investors in their analysis of risks and opportunities. Where a company’s disclosure does not meet our needs as a financial investor, we will consider supporting a well-founded shareholder proposal calling for reasonable disclosure. We will not support a shareholder proposal that appears to impose a strategy or prescribe detailed methods, unrealistic timeframes or targets for implementation. Global Voting Guidelines Corporate sustainability reporting Against For
5 Report on Effectiveness of Supply Chain Management on Equity Goals and Human Rights Commitments Vote rationale: We will not support a shareholder proposal that does not address a material sustainability risk or salient issue for the sector. Global Voting Guidelines Shareholder proposals on sustainability Against Against
6 Report on the Impact of Work-Driven Responsibility Principles and Supporting Binding Agreements in Sourcing from High-Risk Countries Vote rationale: The board should account for material sustainability risks facing the company, and the broader environmental and social consequences of its operations and products. Sustainability disclosures should be aligned with applicable global reporting standards and frameworks to support investors in their analysis of risks and opportunities. Where a company’s disclosure does not meet our needs as a financial investor, we will consider supporting a well-founded shareholder proposal calling for reasonable disclosure. We will not support a shareholder proposal that appears to impose a strategy or prescribe detailed methods, unrealistic timeframes or targets for implementation. Global Voting Guidelines Corporate sustainability reporting Against For
7 Report on Environmental Targets Vote rationale: The board should account for material sustainability risks facing the company, and the broader environmental and social consequences of its operations and products. Sustainability disclosures should be aligned with applicable global reporting standards and frameworks to support investors in their analysis of risks and opportunities. Where a company’s disclosure does not meet our needs as a financial investor, we will consider supporting a well-founded shareholder proposal calling for reasonable disclosure. We will not support a shareholder proposal that appears to impose a strategy or prescribe detailed methods, unrealistic timeframes or targets for implementation. Global Voting Guidelines Corporate sustainability reporting Against For
8 Report on Congruency of Voluntary Partnerships with Company's Fiduciary Duties Vote rationale: We will not support a shareholder proposal where the company does not appear to have significant gaps in their management or reporting of the relevant sustainability risk. We assess companies against our public expectations on environmental and social issues. We may consider direction of travel and pace of change as part of our assessments. Global Voting Guidelines Shareholder proposals on sustainability Against Against


This page contains certain information as to the voting intentions of Norges Bank in its role as manager of the Government Pension Fund Global. This disclosure is provided to promote transparency as to Norges Bank’s engagement with investee companies, and in view of its approach to responsible investing. Norges Bank’s voting intention is an internal decision and has not been agreed with any third party. Please note the following:

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