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Responsible investment 2019

Better corporate disclosure

2019 was a busy year where we raised a range of key issues for long-term value creation with companies in the portfolio. All in all, we engaged with 1,826 companies. Availability of relevant information is crucial for our work. We assessed 2,296 companies’ reporting on the basis of our seven expectation documents. It can be challenging to assess and compare companies since there is no single standard covering all relevant information.

Published 03 Mar. 2020

11,518 shareholder meetings voted at

Voting is one of the most important tools we have as a shareholder for safeguarding the fund's assets. We voted at 11,518 shareholder meetings in 2019.

97.8 percent voted at

We aim to vote at all shareholder meetings at companies in our portfolio. We voted at 97.8 percent of the company shareholder meetings in 2019.

3,412 company meetings

As a long term investor, we engage in regular dialogue with our largest companies. The aim is to promote good corporate governance and responsible business practices.

42 divestmens

We divested from 42 companies following assessment of environmental, social and governance risks. Altogether we have divested from 282 companies since 2012.

5 excluded companies

Norges Bank makes decisions on the observation and exclusion of companies after receiving a recommendation from the Council of Ethics. Norges Bank excluded five companies and revoked the exclusion of seven companies in 2019.

3,941 assessments of company reporting

2,296 companies assessed

107,569 equity portfolio carbon footprint. Thousand tonnes CO2 equivalents